Sandra Verity, who lives in Beeston, is a volunteer driver for the popular Ellesmere Post based charity which runs a community farm and a fresh organically grown vegetable box scheme across the region.
She also sits on one of the charity’s monthly management committees and regularly helps out on their market stalls.
The Lord-Lieutenant is Her Majesty The Queen’s Representative in Cheshire. He is able to appoint a number of Deputy Lieutenants to assist in carrying out his many and varied duties.
Deputy Lieutenants are nominated by the Lord Lieutenant to assist with their duties which include advising on official events to the county such as those which warrant a Royal visit.
The commission of appointment is made by the appropriate Government Minister by command of Her Majesty The Queen.
Francis Ball, founder of Bridge Community Farm, said: “We’re absolutely delighted that one of our most stalwart volunteers, Sandra Verity, has been appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Cheshire.
“Sandra is a popular member of our Better Lives Veg Box Scheme and regularly helps to deliver our organically grown veg boxes to our customers across the region.”
Sandra, who grew up on an organic farm, said: “I got involved with Bridge Community Farms for a number of reasons.
“Mainly it was their approach to supporting young people and their families in a community context, giving access to fresh air and learning to nurture, grow and, where appropriate, eat plants; leading to improved mental and physical wellbeing.
“I also liked their determination to extend the wellness message to the wider Cheshire and Wirral Community through their Veg Box scheme, giving access to fresh, organically grown fruit and vegetables while also supporting a local charity.
“I love meeting our customers and many are fascinated to know how many items are grown by us in Ellesmere Port.”
Bridge Community Farms, based in Mill Lane, off Overpool Road, in Ellesmere Port, is looking for more people who can offer their time and expertise, help with sponsorship of their Better Lives Veg Boxes or can offer financial support for a young person on a work placement or for a Better Lives Veg Box to be delivered to a homeless charity.
They also need more delivery drivers who can work 8.30am-11.30am every Tuesday, café staff and volunteers who can help man their various market stalls across the region. Expenses are paid to all volunteers.
The charity offers training and life skills to children and young people who are struggling to thrive in a standard academic environment while ongoing guidance, support and work experience is also available to the unemployed.
The charity also runs weekly Bright Life groups to reduce social isolation in the community including a weekly crafts session every Thursday 12-2pm (cost £2.50) and a weekly woodworking group every Thursday 12-3pm (cost £3.50).
For more information visit or call 07446 699995.