Wirral Chef Paul Askew launches debut book


“Onwards and Upwards” the debut book from local Paul Askew, owner of The Art School Restaurant has launched this week.

The book reflects Pauls approach to seasonal and local food with step by step methods to recreating starter, main and dessert dishes for each of the seasons. The book includes profiles of some of his favourite North West food heroes and a selection of photographs from the Askew family album.

With 40 Art School Restaurant recipes and stunning photography the book represents the culmination of a year’s work for Paul and his team.

Paul said “It’s been an important year for the restaurant and Liverpool as a food destination city. Firstly, to appear in The Sunday Times Top 100 Restaurants was the fulfilment of a personal ambition of mine, to follow that with the Visit England Taste of England Award was amazing. Although we’ve had a lot on with opening the new Champagne bar and with the Private dining room coming before Christmas, it still felt like the right time to do it. I hope people will enjoy the book and try recreating some of the recipes at home.”

“It was emotional going through the old family albums and recounting my early years but as I’ve always tried to put my all into the dishes I wanted to do the same with the book”.

The book has been published by specialist food publishers, Relish Publications, who have also produced titles for John Christophe Novelli, Mark Greenaway and the popular series of regional cookbooks. Duncan Peters, Publisher said “Working with Paul and the team was a real pleasure. The dishes are visually stunning and Pauls story is a compelling read. We’re delighted with the finished book and are confident it will grace kitchens across the city and beyond”.

Paul was at Waterstones in Liverpool One on Monday 4th December and will be at The Art School Cellars with Radio City 2’s Rossie on Thursday 7th December at 6pm. Tickets, priced at £35, for the Cellars launch include a glass of Fizz and a signed copy of the book and are available from the special events page here or direct from the restaurant by calling 0151 230 8600.

The book will be available directly through the restaurant and through the restaurants
on-line shop. It will also be available through all major book outlets.

For more information about Paul and The Art School Restaurant, click here.