Wirral Life Ball 2019


The inaugural Wirral Life Ball, in aid of Claire House, took place in July at Mostyn Grange, Parkgate and was attended by over 300 guests on the hottest day of the year! 

The ball was hosted by Celebrity Chef Paul Askew, dinner was served by Cheeky Chilli Events and guests were entertained by Megan Louise, The Christians and Pez Tellett.

Nicky Rigby-Smith and Si Hall, Editors at Wirral Life said “We we’re delighted to host the Wirral Life Ball – it was a tremendous success and feedback has been excellent. Thank you to all of our sponsors: Revolution Four, Westminster Associates, SDS Rejuvenate, Quinnovations and Copeland Group Services. Also special thanks to Chef Paul Askew, Pete Price, Jan Molby, ASG Entertainments, Megan Louise, The Christians, Pez Tellett and Kim Maher of Cheeky Chilli.

“Over £8000 was raised for Claire House; thank you to all of our guests. We are really looking forward to next year’s event which will be held in late June 2020.”

If you are interested in sponsoring next year’s ball, please email us at hello@wirrallife.com.